Assistant Professor of Political Science



785.227.3380 x. 8215



Assistant Professor Rachel E. Finnell received her Master of Arts (2018) and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (2021) from the University of Kansas with concentration in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Research Methodology. In the classroom, Finnell utilizes civic engagement assignments and activities to increase student engagement. Further, she develops in-class simulations that further reinforce the importance of being civic engagement minded. Her research areas include Global Politics, Support for Democratic Norms, and Authoritarian Regimes. Recent Publications by Finnell include The Dictator Wears New Clothes: Authoritarian Home Style in Action (2024) and Democracy at Gunpoint: American Gun Owners and Attitudes Towards Democracy (2024). Courses she teaches include US Government, Comparative Government, International Relations and Diplomacy, Constitutional Law: The First Amendment, and The American Presidency

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