Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid


J.E. & L.E. Mabee Welcome Center


785.227.3380 x. 8108


The Rev. Melissa Woeppel graduated from Bethany College summa cum laude in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Communication and a minor in Religion. She was also a recipient of the Spencer Bartlett Senior Respect Award.

She attended United Lutheran Seminary (ULS) in Gettysburg, Pa., where she received her Master of Divinity with honors in theology. She was also the recipient of the Frederick Buechner Award for Excellence in Writing. While attending ULS, she was a pastoral intern and became a pastoral associate at Peace Lutheran Church in Charlottesville, Va. After completing her education, Pastor Melissa accepted her first call at Lutheran Church of the Living Christ in Florissant, Mo., and was ordained in 2019.

Pastor Melissa began her call as Campus Pastor at Bethany College in January 2023. As Campus Pastor, she oversees the religious and spiritual life of the College and is called to serve the entire campus community.

In addition to her work on campus, she regularly provides pulpit supply in the area and is active in Central States Synod committees and events. She also serves on the board of the Lutheran School of Theology, St. Louis and by position is a member of The Associated Churches of Lindsborg (TACOL) board.

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