Mathematics & Physics
Could you see yourself doing cryptography for the National Security Agency? Or what about machine learning with Spotify? Maybe you dream of building a rocket to travel to Mars? A bachelor’s degree in Math and Physics from Bethany College will prepare you to achieve.
& Physics
& Physics
Could you see yourself doing cryptography for the National Security Agency? Or what about machine learning with Spotify? Maybe you dream of building a rocket to travel to Mars? A bachelor’s degree in Math and Physics from Bethany College will prepare you to achieve.
The Math/Physics major at Bethany College helps our students develop a strong analytical mind, conceptual thinking ability, and technical readiness for systematic real-world problem solving. It is one of the most far-reaching majors, which finds itself effectively employed almost in all aspects of human productivity and creativity, and thus empowers each student with a flexible career choice.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Mathematics program at Bethany College is to provide our students with an understanding of mathematical thought and knowledge; to develop their abilities to use this understanding to communicate and apply mathematics. This education also prepares students to apply these skills in advanced degree programs and/or careers requiring expertise in mathematics.
Student Learning Outcomes for all Mathematics students:
Mission Statement:
The Pre-Engineering Program provides students with an undergraduate education in
mathematics, including a focus on the application of mathematics in engineering and related fields. The program prepares students for graduate study in engineering.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Communication
a. Students will convey mathematical information and conclusions using standard conventions and terminology appropriate to the audience.
b. Students will use both analytical and abstract reasoning to organize and deliver correct arguments.
2. Application
a. Students will apply mathematics to engineering systems and demonstrate problem-solving skills in the analysis thereof.
b. Students will extract physical insight from the application of mathematics to engineering systems.
3. Integrity, Ethics, and Service
a. Students will practice mathematics and engineering with integrity and will recognize when integrity is lacking.
b. Students will be able to relate engineering concepts to current events and to analyze the ethical issues surrounding the practice of engineering.
c. Students will demonstrate an ability to serve others through engineering and
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Mathematics program at Bethany College is to provide our students with an understanding of mathematical thought and knowledge; to develop their abilities to use this understanding to communicate and apply mathematics. This education also prepares students to apply these skills in advanced degree programs and/or careers requiring expertise in mathematics.
Student Learning Outcomes for all Mathematics students:
Mission Statement:
The Physics Minor provides a learning environment in which students develop skills in scientific reasoning and communication, in the application of the scientific method, and in the employment of first principles of physics in a variety of fields.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Scientific Communication
a. Students will convey scientific information using standard conventions and terminology appropriate to the audience.
b. Students will employ argumentation and build scientific consensus.
2. Scientific Inquiry
a. Students will develop hypotheses based on observation and propose and evaluate experimental tests of the hypotheses.
b. Students will extract physical insight from experimental, theoretical, and computational results.
3. Scientific Integrity and Ethics
a. Students will practice science with integrity and will recognize when integrity is lacking.
b. Students will be able to analyze the ethical issues surrounding scientific research and the dissemination and use of scientific information.
4. Service Learning
a. Students will relate scientific and physics concepts to current events.
b. Students will demonstrate an ability to serve others through science
For information about specific courses related to these majors, check the
College Catalog.
Course Offerings
Course Offerings
Mathematics & Physics Faculty
Professor of Mathematics
Chair of Mathematics & Physics
Faculty Athletics Representative
Swedes in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) was created by the Bethany College Newtonian Society (Math and Science Club) to spotlight Bethany Alumni with a Math/Science Degree. Our goal is to recognize our Alumni’s achievements post-graduation, as well as provide a valuable resource to students currently pursuing a degree in STEM. A display is also located outside of Nelson Lecture Hall.
Begin the journey down your path.
J.E. and L.E. Mabee Welcome Center
800.826.2281 x 8113
785.227.3380 x 8113
J.E. and L.E. Mabee Welcome Center
800.826.2281 x 8113
785.227.3380 x 8113